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Be Brave. Have Fun.

Make a Dent.

In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, being a startup founder comes with its own set of unique challenges and opportunities. With the right mindset, resources, and guidance, overcoming these hurdles not only becomes possible but can pave the way to unprecedented success.
This is where "Get Scale Up Ready" steps in, a meticulously crafted program designed to transform the potential of your startup into tangible achievements. With the right strategy, access to the right tools and resources, you can accelerate the growth of your startup and reap the rewards.
[. Make a positive impact.] Apply to join a Get Scale Up Ready program.

Start the 21-Day Entrepreneur Sprint

Dent develops entrepreneurs who stand out, scale up and make a positive impact.

Our vision is to see happy and successful entrepreneurs solving meaningful problems in the world.

Over 3500 businesses have worked with us directly through our world-class Accelerators, implemented our proven strategies and best practices, and have become more visible, valuable and scalable in their respective industries as a result.

We’ve also worked with thousands more entrepreneurs outside of our Accelerators through our one-off workshops and sessions, as well as our bespoke corporate programmes designed to infuse entrepreneurial thinking into larger organisations.

We're proud to be a global small business.

We’re worldwide leaders in entrepreneurial strategy, media and technology for businessess

In the last 10 years we’ve built our global small business with regional headquarters in the UK (EMEA), Australia (APAC) and Canada (Americas). This allows us to work with entrepreneurs from all around the world, and entrepreneurs can join our Accelerator sessions no matter what timezone they’re in.

We mentor the rising stars of 50+ industries.

We’ve worked with businesses of all shapes and sizes from startup to billions in revenue. We’ve also worked with celebrities, respected veterans, academics and sporting heroes, ensuring they have a business strategy that enables them to keep doing what they are great at.

Our flagship Accelerators feature celebrated business leaders who mentor the rising stars of various industries through uniquely designed and acclaimed training and development.

As a result, our clients have won awards, grown internationally, been featured in the press, increased their revenue and profit, and raised millions in funding

More Growth. More Influence. More Fun.

Become one of the most visible, valuable connected people in your industry.
Every industry has an inner circle of its most well-known and highly valued people who are the Key People of Influence. Their names come up in conversation – for all the right reasons. They attract a lot of opportunities – the right sort. They earn more money than most – and it isn’t a struggle. They can make a project successful if they are involved – and people know it. They don’t chase opportunities – they curate them.
Become a Key Person of Influence and enjoy a special status in your industry that positively impacts your business.
Applications are selected based on merit, chemistry and timing. Approximately 150+ people interview with our team for every 40 people on our cohorts. Reapplication is permitted up to 2 times a year, however price may vary.

What's Included

What's Included

Join the Entrepreneur Revolution.
Self-employment is often painful and lonely, but something happens when you shift from self-employment to entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship means building a business that has a life of its own. A business that can employ people, that allows the owner to take a holiday, and that can afford to pay healthy incomes. A business has promise – it could be global, make an impact, and create some real wealth for those involved.
Accelerate through the StartUp phase by mastering the four things you need to successfully go from self-employment into entrepreneurship: the right Concept, an engaged Audience, a remarkable Offer and consistent Sales conversations.

from $US500


Enrolment is a 12-month minimum. When you finish, you have the option to extend on a monthly basis. Price may vary.
Accelerate through the Entrepreneur Journey.
The Entrepreneur Journey can be challenging – but it doesn’t have to be. From working with thousands of entrepreneurs globally, we’ve gained practical insights about businesses of different sizes and at different stages that we’re excited to share with you so that you can bypass years of trial-and-error.
In this 21-day sprint, you will:

What's Included

Make the most of the times we are living in.

Disruption is a powerful force for entrepreneurs. Some of the world’s most successful businesses were launched during highly disruptive times. Now is the greatest time in history to be building a business. There’s never been more money, more talent, greater access to markets or more meaningful problems that need solving. It’s a perfect storm for anyone who wants to make money and make a difference.

Over 3500 clients across 50+ industries have
worked with Dent.

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Self Development Course

Learn about how them you went down prying the wedding ring off his cold, dead finger. I don't know what you did, Fry, but once again, you screwed up!

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